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- Federal Employment Law
- Federal Legal Corner
- 'Obey Now, Grieve Later' Rule
- ADA Amendment Not Retroactive
- ADA Regulations, Part 1
- ADA Regulations, Part 2
- ADA Regulations, Part 3
- Adverse Action Not Permitted for Use of Approved Leave
- Adverse Inference for Failure to Produce Documents
- Agency Fails to Justify Nonselection
- Agency Found to Be a Joint Employer
- Agency Inaction Results in Default Judgment
- Agency Liable for Actions of Subordinate Employee
- Agency Made 'Illusory' Promise
- Agency Misinformation on Deadlines
- Agency Misrepresentation in Settlement
- Agency Rationale Found to Be Pretext for Bias
- Agent Subjected to Reprisal
- Alleged Discrimination in Non-selection
- Allowable Questions to Job Applicants
- Appeal Filed Three Days Too Late
- Appeal Rights in Sensitive Positions
- Appeal Rights of Career Interns
- Appeal Rights of Probationers
- Application of Rehabilitation to TSA
- Arbitral Review of Adverse Actions, Part 1
- Army Held Liable for Sexual Harassment
- Attorney Fees Awarded Where Penalty Mitigated
- Attorney Fees for Compliance Proceeding
- Attorney Fees in Settlement Upheld
- Attorneys Fee Award Imposed Against TSA
- Award Increased in Discrimination Finding
- Benefit of Doubt when Representing Oneself
- Board Clarifies Jurisdiction for Disabled Veterans
- Board Remands Disability Retirement Case
- Breach of Last Chance Agreement
- Breach of Settlement Agreement
- Breach of Settlement Agreement Found
- Breach of Settlement, But No Remedy
- Breach Settlement Agreement
- Burden for Proving Reprisal
- Burden of Proof
- Cancer as a Disability under ADA
- Capitol Police Officers' Case Reinstated
- Career Intern Program Violates Veterans' Preference
- Claim against Agency by IPA Employee Allowed
- Claim for Damages and Fees Gets Second Look
- Claim of Age Discrimination Reinstated
- Claim of Involuntary Resignation
- Class Action Bias Suit Can Proceed
- Comments Constitute Reprisal
- Compensatory Damages Ordered
- Complainant's Role in EEO Investigation - Part 2
- Complaint based on Gender Identity
- Constructive Notice Bars Summary Judgment
- Cooperating in EEO Investigations
- Court Backs Prominent Whistleblower
- Court Finds No Adverse Employment Action or Reprisal
- Court Finds Violation of Due Process
- Court Limits 'Cat's Paw' Doctrine
- Court Remands Case for Review of Suggestion Award
- Court Review of Information Disclosure
- Court Rules Against Former Spouse Survivor Annuity
- Court Sets Test for Retaliation Claims
- Damages Award More Than Tripled
- Damages for Emotional Stress
- Damages for Privacy Act Violations
- Damages for Sexual Harassment
- Definition of "Disability" under the Rehabilitation Act
- Definition of Disability
- Delay in Reasonable Accommodation
- Demotion Mitigated to Suspension
- Demotion Reversed for Lack of Evidence
- Denial of FMLA Leave
- Denial of Medical Clearance
- Denial of Promotion Claim
- Denial of Reasonable Accommodation
- Denial of Survivor Annuity
- Denial of Telework Ruled Discriminatory
- Direct Evidence of Discrimination
- Disability Discrimination by State Department
- Disability Retirement and Discrimination Claims
- Discipline for Off-Duty Conduct
- Disclosing Danger to Public Safety
- Disclosure Ruled Not Protected
- Discrimination against Applicant
- Discrimination Claim after Reassignment
- Discrimination Claims Defeated
- Discrimination due to Age-Based Comments
- Discrimination Due to Age, Union Activities
- Discrimination Due to Disability
- Discrimination for Taking FMLA Leave
- Discrimination in Non-Selection
- Discriminatory Constructive Suspension
- Disparate Impact Based on Age
- Duty to Provide Reasonable Accommodation
- EEO Representative Has Viable Claim of Retaliation
- EEOC Approves Default Judgment
- EEOC Awards $165,000 in Compensatory Damages
- EEOC Awards $75,000 in Damages
- EEOC Awards Pecuniary Damages
- EEOC Awards Substantial Compensatory Damages
- EEOC Denies Agency's Request for Reconsideration
- EEOC Excuses Untimely Filing
- EEOC Finds Disability Discrimination
- EEOC Finds Gender Discrimination at DEA
- EEOC Finds Sex Discrimination
- EEOC Increases Damages Award
- EEOC Increases Emotional Distress Award
- EEOC Issues Decisions on Sanctions
- EEOC Issues Default Judgment
- EEOC Sanctions Agency With Attorney Fees
- EEOC Substantially Increases Damages
- EEOC Sustains Discrimination Claim of FAA Employee
- EEOC Upholds Finding of Discrimination
- Eligibility for Sensitive Position
- Elimination of Time-in-Grade Requirement
- Email Abuse Creates Hostile Environment
- Employee Illegally Regarded as Disabled
- Employee Not Entitled to Accommodation for Spouse
- Employee Rights in Furloughs are Limited
- Employee Wins at EEOC after Decade-Long Fight
- Employment Application Statements
- Enforcing EEOC Settlement in Court
- Equal Pay Act Plaintiffs Must Prove Sex Discrimination
- Establishing a Discrimination Case
- Establishing Discrimination
- Evidence to Show Retaliatory Motive
- Excessive Absences Charge
- Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies
- Failure to Accommodate Disability
- Failure to Allow Discovery
- Failure to Comply with Law Judge's Orders
- Failure to Investigate Complaint
- Failure to Reassign Violates Rehabilitation Act
- Failure to Sign Medical Release
- Fair Pay Act of 2009
- FBI Case Certified as Class Action
- FBI Class Action Complaint
- FEGLI Beneficiary Designation Trumps State Law
- Finding of Discrimination Upheld
- Fitness for Duty Exams
- Front Pay for Discrimination
- Gender Bias Claim Can Proceed
- Genetic Information Nondiscrimination, Part 1
- Genetic Information Nondiscrimination, Part 2
- Going Straight to Court with EEO Complaint
- Greater Rights in Suspensions Sought
- GSA Settles Privacy Act Lawsuit
- Harassment Based on Perceived Sexual Orientation
- Hatch Act
- Hatch Act Complaint Dismissed
- Hearing Ordered in Involuntary Resignation Case
- Hearing Ordered in Whistleblowing Case
- Hearing-Aid Policy for Court Officers
- High Court Accepts Discrimination Case
- High Court to Decide Reprisal Issue
- Hostile Work Environment and Compensation Claims
- Hostile Work Environment Claim Rejected
- Hostile Work Environment Harassment Based on Gender
- How Alternative Dispute Resolution Works
- Importance of Impartial Investigations Stressed
- Improper Reassignment
- Indefinite Suspension Reversed
- Information Considered Improperly
- Interference with EEO Process
- Jurisdiction Argument after Delay in Appeal
- Jurisdiction in Mixed Case
- Jurisdiction Over Reprisal Mixed Cases
- Lateral Transfer Can be Adverse Job Action
- Legal Implications of Furloughs
- Management Directed Reassignment
- Mediation as ADR Tool
- Mental Illness is Mitigating Factor
- Misinformation from Agency
- Mitigating Circumstances
- Mixed Motives in Age Discrimination Cases
- Modification of Work Schedule as Reasonable Accommodation
- MSPB Applies Ruling Limiting Appeal Rights
- MSPB Asked to Reopen Whistleblower Case
- MSPB Clarifies Constructive Suspensions
- MSPB Finds Violation of the Hatch Act
- MSPB Jurisdiction Over Newer FAA Employees
- MSPB Limits Disclosure of Information
- MSPB May Review OPM Suitability Determinations
- MSPB Mitigates Penalty
- MSPB Mitigates Penalty for Hatch Act Violation
- MSPB Mitigates Penalty of Removal
- MSPB Orders Removal on Hatch Act Charges
- MSPB Remands VEOA Claim for Adjudication
- MSPB Removal in Disclosure Case Upheld
- MSPB Reverses Indefinite Suspension
- MSPB Rules in Favor of Retired Employees
- MSPB Sets Furlough Appeal Standards
- MSPB Upholds Former Park Police Chief's Removal
- MSPB Upholds Removal for False Medal Claim
- MSPB Waives Deadline on Disability Claim
- New Decision on Management-Directed Reassignment
- New OPM Final Rule on Administrative Leave, Investigative Leave and Notice Leave
- New Standards Set on Attorney Fees
- No Bias Found in Non-Selection
- No Compensatory Damages Under ADEA
- No Court Enforcement of Settlements
- No Court Jurisdiction on Award Decision
- No Right to Appointed Counsel at MSPB
- Nonselection Found Discriminatory
- Not All Actions Trigger EEO Rights
- Notice of Appeal Rights
- Notice of EEO Deadline
- Notice of Right to Appeal
- NSPS Can't Impose New Probationary Period
- Off-Duty Conduct Issue Addressed
- Partial Award of Attorney Fees
- Pay Discrimination Bill Stalls
- Performance Improvement Plan Not an Adverse Action
- Performance of Essential Duties
- Performance Standards Upheld
- Physician Protected Under Whistleblower Law
- Plaintiff Awarded Attorney's Fees
- Possible Retaliation in Reassignment
- Practical Implications of ADA Amendments
- Pre-Enactment USERRA Jurisdiction Affirmed By Federal Circuit
- Premium Pay for Part-time Employees
- Privacy of Medical Records
- Prominent Whistleblower Reinstated
- Proof of Disability Discrimination
- Protection Against Retaliation
- Protection Against Retaliation Expanded
- Protections for Legislative Branch Employees
- Proving Retirement Was Involuntary
- Rare Oral Argument Before MSPB
- Reasonable Accommodation
- Reassignment of Harassment Victim Reversed
- Recommended Changes to EEOC Regulations and Procedures
- Recovery of Annuity Overpayment Waived
- Recovery of Legal Fees
- Regulation Violates Veterans Preference
- Rehabilitation Act Violated
- Religious Accommodation
- Religious Discrimination and Reprisal
- Removal Upheld Despite Dispute
- Reporting Suspected Illegal Activity
- Resignation Reversed Due to Misinformation
- Retaliation for 'Perceived' EEO Activity
- Retaliation for Prior EEO Activity
- Retaliation Not Covered in Age Discrimination Case
- Revocation of Accommodation may be Discriminatory
- Right to Official Time
- Rushed Resignation Not Coercive
- Settlement Agreement Bars Disclosure
- Settlement Can Waive USERRA Rights
- Settlement of Retirement Disputes
- Sex Discrimination Found
- Sexual Harassment Complaint Reinstated
- Single Remark Can Justify Bias Claim
- Sleep Impairment a Disability Under Rehabilitation Act
- Standard for Proving Age Discrimination
- Standard for Sexual Harassment
- Standards for Receiving Attorneys' Fees
- Standards for Reviewing Penalties
- Stress-Related Illnesses
- Suit against Manager in Personal Capacity
- Supervisor's Comments Could Have Chilling Effect
- Supporting a Hostile Work Environment Claim
- Supreme Court Rejects Challenge to "Cat's Paw" Theory
- Supreme Court Simplifies Mixed Case Appeals
- Survivor Lacks Standing to Bring EEO Claim
- Suspension for Hatch Act Violation
- Suspension for Time Served Reversed
- Tax Consequences of 'Make Whole' Remedy
- Telecommuting as Reasonable Accommodation
- Telework Not a Reasonable Accommodation
- Temporary Demotion States Cause of Action
- Threat of Discipline Found to be Reprisal
- Time Limit for EEO Contact
- Time Limits for EEO Complaints
- Time Off to Attend Depositions
- Timeliness of EEO Complaint
- Tolling of Deadlines for Filing Veterans Preference Complaints
- Transfer as Reasonable Accommodation
- TSA Found Liable for Discrimination
- TSA Not Immune To Rehabilitation Act Claims
- TSA Screener Applicants Exempt from Rehabilitation Act
- U.S. District Court Denies Summary Judgment
- Union Election without Bargaining Rights
- Unionist's Access to Agency System Upheld
- Untimely Disability Retirement Application
- Violation of Due Process Rights Found
- Whistleblower Compensation Provision Not Retroactive
- Whistleblower Jurisdiction Found
- Whistleblower Legislation Advances in Congress
- Whistleblower Protection for Screener
- Whistleblower Reprisal Found, Relief Ordered
- Whistleblowing Claim Reinstated
- Withdrawal of Offer of Employment
- Withdrawing Commitment to Retire
- Work Environment Found Hostile
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- Barrett, Chloe
- Bissell, Kathleen
- Bonk, Christopher H.
- Carter, Grace B.
- Cohen, Cori M.
- Eisenshtadt, Cole
- England, Kathleen J.
- Fowler, Renn C.
- Gagliardo, Thomas J.
- Gilbert, Gary M.
- Hadley, Ernest C.
- Hill, AJ
- Howell, Perry
- Joseph V. Kaplan (1953 – 2020)
- Kaplan, Joseph V.
- Karman, David A.
- Katz, Daniel A.
- Kincaid, Linda A.
- Kohrman, Daniel B.
- Laimeche, Marlene A.
- Leary, Shannon C.
- Lewis, Dwight A.
- Marks, Abryana
- McEnaney, Annie
- Norken, David
- Our Firm
- Owen, Kevin L.
- Passman, Edward H.
- Perlmutter, Andrew J.
- Petro, Rachel
- Price, Donna P.
- Ralph, Tristin M.
- Richard, James W. II
- Rosenthal, Abigail
- Santos, Jasmine M.
- Simpson, Geoffrey H.
- Smith, Elbridge W.
- Spekter, Michael L.
- Sumner, Deryn A.
- Valais, Eugenia
- Wilson, Elizabeth A.